
Match Report: U12 Girls v Margate F.C.

I’d like to begin this report by taking you back.

In the season of poor weather and Atlantic carried storms it is difficult to fulfil our fixtures and ensure that the team has a consistent and fluid set of fixtures. This doesn’t happen automatically. There are people behind the scenes who make decisions based on player safety and fixture compliance who work tirelessly to ensure that the majority are happy. 

In order to honour this fixture there were a series of questions to be answered.

  • Was there a pitch that was playable?

  • Is it safe for our opposition to travel?

  • Is it safe for the match to take place?

None of these questions are taken lightly and it is credit to the infrastructure behind Rising Stars that this game went ahead....against the odds. You know who you are but, in brief, this is the coaches, the president, the chairman, the secretary and the fabulous lady in charge of fixtures!

As it happened, by no mere coincidence, our game was scheduled for a 1030 kick off at Archbishops School.
Our visitors, Margate Youth had had an excellent season and were looking to continue their winning run.

The game was played at a breakneck pace and the crosswind was a hindrance to both teams. Risers were looking sharp after the enforced break and the passages of play were becoming daunting to our opposition. Just before half time Margate capitalised upon a quickly taken throw in and managed to squeeze a shot past the ever improving Bethan in goal.

During the second half, Risers pressed time and time again but were not in favour with Lady Luck and ended up falling 2 behind through bad luck rather than shortfalls in their defence.

Needing to reverse the deficit, Risers through everything that they had at their opposition and this led to holes at the back. Margate seized upon this and ran out winners 0-3.

Despite the scoreline this was undoubtedly one of this team’s best performances with Bethan being a particular star in goal.

This match was really a testament to all that goes into youth football. 

Kaitelyn, our young and very promising referee, controlled the game with confidence beyond her years and it was a pleasure to welcome club president and secretary, Steve and Kathryn respectively, to this fantastic spectacle.

Next week we travel to Danson Sports to continue our cup run!



Match Report: U12 Girls v Junior Reds

In keeping with much of the senior professional football, this weekend cup football on the schedule for our team and we welcomed Junior Reds to Blean.

Some matches take a while to warm up but Risers were out of the blocks in record breaking time and, after receiving the ball from the kickoff, Lexi weaved through five or six players and opened the scoring within 15 seconds!

Quick starts like this can often lead to a group of players losing focus and after more sustained pressure from our team Junior Reds countered and scored a breakaway goal which was wholly against the run of play. It was time for our team to concentrate, take stock and do what they do best; work together as a unit and make their pressure count.

Within minutes of our opponents’ repost Jelly latched onto a through ball and finished a determined run with a sublime shoot, whistling past the static goalkeeper.

After more home pressure, Madison spotted the keeper off her line and chanced a cheeky looping shot from outside the area which found its target like a laser guided missile.

Not satisfied with a two goal cushion at half time, Ella M - whose close control and pace is really something to behold, latched onto another great through ball and made it 4-1 at  the interval.

Whilst the strikers were enjoying their morning the rest of the team were their usual stoic and well-drilled selves. Bethan commanded her area (and beyond) and demonstrated how her game had progressed over the course of the season. Nancy, though not in her favoured position, was hard working and almost impossible to get past. Lorea provided some much needed width to the team. Lizzie simply does not stop running and has to be a contender for the ‘Thorn in the side of every striker’ award. Scarlett was strong and calm on the ball and goal line technology may have awarded her a goal from one of her ever improving corners. Ella D was once again impassable and put on a defending master class! Izzy was her usual tenacious and terrier-like self and seemed to pop up all over the pitch and pick the pocket of whomever had the ball.

The second half was almost a carbon copy of the first with Madison and Lexi adding to their tallies and our visitors pouncing on a fortuitous loose ball in the box to double theirs.

At this point in the season it is an opportune moment to remember what it is we have signed up to. We are involved in youth football to help give positive experiences to young people through the medium of sport. It is vital that we leave any negative learned behaviours from our own sporting past where they belong.....in the past. To that end, a reminder of a few points:

Let the referee referee the game with the help of the volunteer assistants.

Let the coaches coach the players.

Support is vital....but let it be just that, support. All noise from the supporters should be encouraging, friendly and good natured. This is youth football. It should be enjoyable for all.

Final score: Rising Stars 6-2 Junior Reds


Match Report: U12 Girls v Castle Colts

“Why are you waking me up at half seven!!”

These were probably the first words uttered by most of this team as they prepared to travel to Maidstone to face Castle Colts this Sunday but it proved to be a fruitful visit full of team spirit and a few memorable milestones. The first was that of Izzy’s 12th birthday which would be fully celebrated at Soar Trampoline Park after the match...#priorities.

The team arrived at a sunny if somewhat boggy pitch and began their usual structured warm up. Coaches Neil and Loz reinforced the messages of shape and calmness on the ball, aspects that had been well drilled during the twice-weekly training sessions.

The game started very brightly indeed for Risers and we quickly found ourselves 2-0 up courtesy of goals from Ella M and Lexi. What captivated the spectators most though wasn’t the scoreline but the sheer control that the team clearly had. Their shape was solid and this proved impossible for our hosts to penetrate.

As the first half progressed Risers added to their advantage with Madison and Izzy also registering on the scoresheet. It was 0-7 at the interval.

Part of coach Neil’s philosophy is to ensure that every player not only receives fair match time but also that they have the opportunity to shine in a variety of positions. He is also very mindful of our impact on the mindset of our opposition and this practice of ‘mixing it up’ often ensures that the scoreline remains reasonable and doesn’t totally demoralise our opposition - sport is inclusive and everyone should feel encouraged and empowered by it.

During the second half there were inevitable additions to the scoreline from Lexi and Ella M. Nancy, Jelly and Lorea had opportunities in front of goal and were true lynchpins in midfield. Bethan had a relatively quiet game but impressed everyone with her decision making and vocal contribution. Lizzie was, purely and simply, Lizzie the dynamo - ever dependable!

The story of the match, and please excuse my self-indulgence, was the two “first-time goalscorers”. Following the shake-up of positions, mid-way through the second half, Risers broke free from midfield. The charge was on being led by Ella D. She had Scarlett and Nancy in support but didn’t need them. The team were elated!! Within 5 minutes, another opportunity, this time Lexi and Scarlett found themselves in the box with the keeper and two defenders left to beat. After the ball pinballed about for a few seconds Scarlett latched onto the loose ball and blasted home to open her Risers account!! Both of these girls have made massive contributions to many matches both last season and this but, let’s face it, scoring is what they all see as the cherry on the cake.

The match ended 0-12 to Risers and the girls capped the win with a celebratory bounce at Soar!!

Happy Birthday Izzy and well done Risers!!



Match Report: U12 Girls v Thanet Colts

The power of routine can never be underestimated, particularly for teenagers and young people, so the return of the ever-anticipated Sunday morning fixture was a welcome one for all!

Our team were delighted with the well prepared Blean pitch this weekend and were very grateful to Neil and Lauren for the extra work that they had put in on the previous day to ensure we had a good surface!

Our visitors, Thanet Colts, have had a tough season to date but we were familiar with the fact that they had plenty of spirit and that they would always do their best until the final whistle. They also have lots of very supportive parents who, once again, were a pleasure to welcome this weekend. Along with the parents there were siblings and one young man volunteered to assist the referee by running the line for the duration of the match. Credit to this young man and his knowledge of the game, he was excellent (as was referee Luke)!

To the action. Risers started very brightly and Ella M was quick to seize upon a loose clearance and open her account for the game. Lexi then had a raft of chances, minute after minute, but didn’t seem to be getting the ‘rub of the green’ and it looked as though it could turn out to be one of those days! Ella M added to her first goal within 10 minutes and then Risers were caught out by an excellent corner from Colts and this gave our team a reminder to focus and refer back to the hours spent in training with coaches Neil and Loz.

Our visitor’s reply was soon a distant memory, as was the thought that Lexi might not add to an already impressive season goal tally as the Risers machine stepped up a gear. Our shape was the most important difference between the two teams and this led to a constant drive towards the target, time and time again.

The final score was Rising Stars 10 - 1 Thanet Colts with Lexi scoring 5, Ella M 4 and Izzie 1.

Next week we travel to Maidstone to take on Castle Colts.



Match Report: U12G v Herne Bay Youth

Confidence is a funny intangible thing. It can be the difference between two evenly matched teams.

Togetherness and hard work has never been lacking from this Rising Stars team but over recent weeks they have endured “dents” to their confidence and self-belief.

To their credit, coaches Neil and Loz have worked tirelessly to divert the girls’ attention from the results and rather focus on the positives and fix the areas that have led to negative outcomes.

This Sunday saw all this hard work pay off with the visit of local rivals, Herne Bay Youth.

The game started briskly with the momentum very quickly in Risers’ favour and it become apparent to our opposition that they would need to reshape their team in order to deal with the pace of Lexi and Sydney up front.

In midfield Madison, Scarlett, Lorea, Lizzie, Ella M and Nancy all heeded the advice of Neil and took time to pick the right pass. “Calm, Calm” was the instruction from the technical area, and calm they were.

Patrolling the defence were Ella D and Izzy who had the measure of the opponent’s depleted attack - depleted due to the reshuffle to deal with our dominance in the attacking third.

The breakthrough came early in the first half when Lexi latched onto a through ball and slotted home comfortably from 10 yards. The “confidence switch” flipped from low to high and familiar smiles and passages of play returned instantly to our team’s play.

All the team played their hearts out for the entire game and Ella M and Sydney added to the score as the game progressed.

The most notable part of this performance was the game management. The team, even when faced with the onrushing claret opposition, maintained their composure and stuck to the task.

Bethan had another great game in goal helping to ensure we kept a clean sheet.

Both sets of supporters enjoyed the spectacle and this was another example of the progress all players have made over the past two years.

Final score Rising Stars 3-0 Herne Bay Youth

- Carl


Match Report: U12G v Anchorian Hearts

Rising Stars welcomed a familiar foe to their home ground this weekend and knew that this was going to be a tough morning.

Anchorians, still rocked by losing their own tournament to our team in the summer, arrived with a huge squad of players, staff and supporters and were visibly expecting a tight match.

The conditions were tough and with a couple of players out our team found it hard to keep our opponents out and were 3-0 down by half time.

The second half was a lot closer with Risers having multiple opportunities to claw the game back but the luck of the bounce simply wasn’t with us this weekend.

Coach Neil explained to the team after the match that he was very proud of their endeavour and resilience and that it was important to learn how to be defeated with grace and show good sportsmanship. Our team have these qualities in abundance and we have no doubt that they will continue to train hard and bounce back in their next game.

Final score Rising Stars 0 - 4 Anchorian Hearts

- Carl

Match Report: U12 Girls v Thanet Colts

At this stage in the season it can be tempting to glance at the league table in order to make predictions about the outcome of the weekend fixture but this would have proven to be a massive injustice against our hosts, Thanet Colts, this Sunday.

With the Chairman looking on, our team set about their task with the usual incandescence and were ahead after a 20m strike from the right boot of Madison. Once again Risers pressed hard and should have added to their tally on several occasions but were met with resilient defending, particularly by our host’s captain who regularly found row ‘z’ with her ‘safety first’ clearances.

We were then stunned when Thanet drew level after Risers failed to clear their lines but this was short lived as a well worked goal from Izzy allowed us to regain the lead.

Ella M added a third early in the second half but the breathing space was halved when Thanet’s No. 2 scored an excellent diagonal individual effort from outside of the box.

Ten nervy minutes followed but Risers were able to hold on to the lead and register another 3 points for the season.

The whole team played well in tricky conditions and we were left feeling that this Thanet Colts team could well begin to register points if they continue in this ilk.

Final score Thanet Colts 2-3 Rising Stars


Match Report: U12 Girls v TSS

Despite the dew leaving the pitch moist underfoot, the ground remained solid after the summer baking as our team took on a familiar TSS team from Ashford. The pre-season friendlies that the Rising Stars hierarchy had arranged for the team had proven to be excellent preparation for the team and they appeared to be at full match fitness from the whistle.

Attack after attack ended fruitless, the strikers being denied on numerous occasions by a cocktail of steadfast defending, luck of the bounce and the woodwork. Ella M produced the breakthrough that was well-deserved, immediately elevating herself to golden boot leader with our first goal of the season after some fancy footwork and a sublime finish.

After each Risers’ attack, TSS would surreptitiously move the ball to their strikers in an attempt to counter but this was often thwarted by solid defending from either Ella D, Nancy or Izzie.

Sydney and Lexi worked hard in the attacking third and were well supported by Maddison, Scarlett, Lorea and Angelica in midfield.

TSS finally broke down the Risers’ defence halfway through the second half and levelled the score. Bethan had another trademark game in goal, commanding her area and using her position to pass instructions through the ranks.

The final 10 minutes saw opportunities and threats to the scoreline and many were relieved to hear the final whistle when it finally sounded.

This was solid performance from both teams and gave us all a glimpse into what this season could have in store for us.

The travelling TSS support was excellent and all agreed that we had witnessed an superb spectacle.

Next week Risers travel to Sittingbourne and hope to be more clinical in front of goal in order to come away with all three points.

Final score Risers 1 – 1 TSS