Rising Stars U16GY H v Anchorian Angels U16s

Rising Stars U16GY H v Anchorian Angels U16s

KGLFL Div 2, Sun 17 December 2023

Risers put in a good performance in this top-of-the-table clash on a sunny Sunday December morning that produced five goals, all in the first half. But it was Anchorians who took the three points, mainly due to a keeper who would have given Mary Earps a run for her money between the sticks!

Risers got off to a strong start in their last game before Christmas. The line-up saw Lydia move into midfield with Syd slotting in at centre back. There was some good attacking play, with Ella and Jeea linking up well on the left as they have done all season, and Eloise putting balls out to Grace on the right to set up some good crosses into the box. Risers’ first goal came 11 minutes in from a lovely piece of interplay that started with a short corner, Ella playing it to Jeea who played it back to Ella, who pulled it back to Eloise near the 18-yard line, who struck the ball beautifully.

1-0  to Risers!  

Unfortunately Risers’ lead didn’t last long, as Anchorians equalised on 13 minutes with a cross that went over Connie’s head and was chested in by the striker. Not a pretty goal but they all count…


Risers’ defence continued to press the ball, Lia putting in some good blocks and Syd being cool, calm and collected with her clearances, and controlling the ball well from the air – which happened a lot given that Anchorians were playing the long ball from their very capable keeper.

Risers kept attacking though and another lovely move started by Ella produced their second goal. She put in a cross to Grace, who controlled the ball calmly before a thunderous shot, that the keeper got hands to but couldn’t keep it out of the net.

2-1 to Risers!

Again, the lead didn’t last long, Anchorians’ no.16 getting through on goal from yet another long ball and taking advantage from a moment of Risers’ hesitation to drive a shot into the goal.


It was the no.16 who troubled the Risers’ defence five minutes later to put Anchorians 3-2 ahead.

The second half saw Risers make a few changes. Lydia was asked to man-mark the no.16, which she did to great effect. And Sophie had a spell in defence, protecting the ball well and playing safe when need be. Risers kept driving forward, but whether it was 1-on-1s or shots from crosses, the brave Anchorians keeper seemed to have a forcefield around her goal.

Eloise had a fantastic game, often taking on 2 or 3 opponents before distributing the ball or having a shot, a few of which – and one just minutes from full time – agonisingly went just wide of the goal. Eva and Madison also had chances but the ball just wouldn’t sit for them. Jeea, Nancy, Emily, Syd and Lia all played really well – intercepting, blocking, challenging, driving forward when the opportunity arose. Emily made some important clearances in the latter stages of the game to keep us in with a chance of equalising. Connie didn’t have as much to do in the second half but made a crucial save with her knees just minutes before the end, again keeping Risers’ hopes alive.

Final score: 3-2 to Anchorians.

Risers just didn’t seem to get any luck today and had it not been for the Anchorians keeper, who must be a recent new signing for them, we surely would have won the game. But bring on the new year and Risers will do their absolute best to compete for the top place!

Starting line-up: Connie, Emily, Syd, Jeea, Nancy, Lydia, Ella, Eloise, Grace, Lia, Syd, Eva

Subs: Mads, Sophie

Opponents’ player of the match: Syd

Coaches’ player of the match: Lydia

Thanks to Rob and Ethan/Bea for running the line!

Rising Stars U16GY H v Langton Green U16s

Rising Stars U16GY H v Langton Green U16s

KGLFL League Cup, Sun 10 December 2023

Risers upped their game for the rematch against Langton Green, having lost to them narrowly in a friendly in November. Buoyed by the return of Lydia and Eva, the girls put in a really strong first-half performance that could have seen them 4-nil or 5-nil up by half time, but they dug in for a 2-1 win, and a well-deserved Hathats post-match hot chocolate!

Right from the starting whistle, the quality of the Risers’ passing and ball control was a huge improvement on the past couple of games. After conceding a free kick in the first minute of the game, Risers started to play more confidently, Lia putting in a lovely cross – a sign of things to come! Risers began switching play across the field and doing some lovely through-balls, which the Langton defenders couldn’t cope with.

Risers started to pepper the Langton box with crosses, leading to quite a few chances on goal. One lovely passage of play saw Grace play a through-ball to Eloise with the outside of her boot, who passed to Sunee and then on to Ella who had a shot that was deflected. Sunee had another chance with a good header that went just wide. Ella continued to run rings round the Langton right-back and put in a lovely cross that was met with a quality strike from Grace, hitting the roof of the net.

1-0 to Risers!

The Risers’ back four (Nancy, Lydia, Emily and Jeea) dealt with everything that came their way. A nasty challenge on Eloise shortly after the restart meant Eva was called into action from the bench. Connie was also called into action, anticipating well and clearing with her right foot to prevent the no.16 getting a shot. Natalie went on a strong run, past 2 or 3 defenders, shooting with her left but it went just wide of the post.

At the other end of the pitch, Lydia was defending solidly, putting pressure on the striker so that a shot went wide of Connie’s post. Syd came on and got involved straight away at centre back, heading the ball clear from a throw, and setting up a lovely move to Eva then to Eloise down the left, which led to a corner. Minutes before half time saw some good link-up play down the left, Jeea doing stout defending and Sophie linking up well with her to pass back when under pressure.

After the break, Langton had a couple of chances from a corner and a free kick (Risers’ handball) but Connie saved comfortably. Some more good attacking play saw Eloise (now at left back) link up well with Ella and the other midfielders. Grace had a chance down the right when a Langton defender misjudged her kick and the ball went under her into Grace’s path, but the keeper saved.

Syd put in another perfectly timed tackle in the box to frustrate the Langton striker, Natalie was helping out to clear another Langton attack, and Madison at the other end had a powerful shot from distance. 19 minutes into the second half, Ella put in a lovely cross from the left (her second assist) that was met by Sunee, who confidently put it past the keeper.

2-0 to Risers!

Although Risers hadn’t quite found their first-half form, they kept working hard. They had to really dig in to protect their lead after Natalie momentarily lost her discipline and was sent off for violent conduct. With 10 Risers left on the pitch for the last 10 minutes, Langton took advantage and stepped up the pressure. With just a few minutes remaining, they put together a decent attack, a cross from the right reaching their left winger, who struck confidently in the far-right corner. It made for a nervy couple of minutes, but the final whistle came. It ended 2-1 to Risers. The girls will play Tonbridge U16s in the quarterfinals in January. 

Coaches were pleased with the girls’ effort today, especially switching play and the quality of crosses from the left and right rather than going down a congested centre of the pitch.


Starting line-up: Connie, Emily, Lydia, Jeea, Nancy, Ella, Eloise, Natalie, Grace, Lia, Sunee

Subs: Syd, Mads, Sophie, Eva

Opponents’ player of the match: Ella

Coaches’ player of the match: Eloise

Thanks to Neil and Ethan/Bea for running the line!


Rising Stars U16GY H v Ashford Utd U16s

KGLFL, Sun 12 November 2023

Risers U16 girls put in their best performance of the season so far to stay top of Div 2, showing they really mean business in the competition for silverware.

After a somewhat lacklustre performance in last week’s friendly against Langton Green (albeit missing a few players due to illness), this exciting and talented Risers squad showed just what they’re capable of, with a commanding 4-1 win over decent rivals Ashford.

Both sides lined up and gave their full respect for the 2-minute silence to mark Remembrance Sunday, with referee Paul reminding everyone why it’s so important that we commemorate it.

Onto the football, and before kickoff, the coaching team had challenged the squad to get the basics right. We gave them three clear instructions, and asked them to really up their game. The girls couldn’t have responded better!

Right from the start, Risers were switched on, rewarded with a shot on goal and then a corner. But Ashford were strong opponents, and gave an early response. The game was fairly evenly matched for the first 20 minutes. Eloise (playing at left back) was nullifying the challenge down Ashford’s right wing, with Nancy doing the same at right back. Centre-backs Emily and Lia were dominant and confident, making good decisions, timing their touches to perfection, and generally stopping the Ashford forwards getting through to threaten goal. Ella was a constant threat with her runs down the left, and Natalie, Sophie, Madison and Eva were pressing the ball (as instructed) and always on hand to intercept from the Ashford keeper’s goal kicks.

Substitute Jeea came on at left back allowing Eloise to switch to left midfield, and she wasted no time in stretching the defender with a few forward runs. Team captain Natalie put in another impressive workrate, constantly pressing the Ashford back line. She played a perfect ball to Eloise, who took on the defender and got a strong low shot at goal into the left corner. The keeper got a hand to it but the power must have made her misjudge and it went through her legs to go over the line.

1-0 to Risers!

Grace and Lydia came on and you wouldn’t have known either of them had been very unwell during the week! Coaches were really pleased with how the midfield and defence were using support play, passing backwards or sideways to retain possession and make the Ashford players work harder to get the ball. It was really pleasing to see lots of 1-2s, through-balls, good ball control and intelligent play (particularly by Syd as CDM in front of the back four).

After the half time break, Risers again started really positively, Grace putting a perfect through-ball up to Sunee. Nancy was ever reliable at right back, linking up well with Syd for throw-ins and never afraid to head the ball. Connie made an important save from an Ashford corner. She put in another confident performance, moving to the edge of the box when needed, slowing the game a little to allow the defenders to push up (we’d asked them not to play too deep). Altogether she put in another calm and strong performance in the Riser goal.

Sunee showed good anticipation skills to allow Risers to continue the pressure on Ashford’s goal. Unfortunately for Ashford they had no subs, but the Risers took advantage when their forwards began to tire. It was Sunee who got the assist for Risers’ second goal, putting a lovely ball through to Eva, who finished in style.

2-0 to Risers!

Risers really got into their stride now, and were dominating all areas of the pitch. Emily did not put a foot wrong the whole game – a really focused performance from her. Syd was bossing the midfield alongside Madison and Sophie, but was happy to drop back into defence when asked.

But Ashford were not out of the game yet. Just as one of their strikers managed to get past Lydia, Syd provided excellent cover and put in a challenge that surely prevented an Ashford goal.

But Risers kept their focus and continued to threaten with runs down the centre and left, leaving a frustrated Grace on the right! Madison and Grace linked up really well with some lovely 1-2s. At around 70 minutes, Madison (who’d had a few shots earlier in the game) saw the opportunity to shoot from just outside the box. Her left foot made perfect contact with the ball and she put enough power on it that it ended up in the goal even though it hit the back of one of the Ashford defenders.

3-0 to Risers!

The quality of the Risers’ passing and ball control was a huge improvement on last week, and it really showed in the game, with lots of attacks being created down the wings and through the centre. One shot hit the Ashford keeper at close range, who was really brave but needed a few minutes and some treatment to be able to carry on.  

Sophie was still pressing and tracking back, linking up well with Grace on the right to keep up the pressure on the Ashford box.

This was Risers really playing at their best, working together as a team, but still with moments of individual brilliance – as with Ella’s beautiful strike at goal just a few minutes later, which hit the top right corner, leaving the keeper with no chance. Ella clearly has her eye on that golden boot at the end of the season (Eva and Eloise, her nearest challengers, take note!).

4-0 to Risers!

With just a few minutes remaining, Ashford put together a decent attack and got a consolation goal with pretty much the last kick of the game. 

Opponents’ player of the match: Nancy

Coaches’ player of the match: THE WHOLE SQUAD!

Thanks to Steve R and Rob L for running the line!

Next week we travel to Fleetdown for a Kent Girls’ Cup game. No challenge is too great for these girls right now. 

Rising Stars U16GY H v Sittingbourne

Rising Stars U16GY H v Sittingbourne

KGLFL Div 2 Sun 1 October 2023

Risers continue their winning streak, scoring 5 goals for the third week in succession and moving up to second in the table!

Another dry and warm Sunday morning in Canterbury and Risers were ready for some football! The coaches reminded the players (listening attentively on the new subs bench!) of the FA Play Safe campaign, and why safeguarding is so important in football. After the usual pre-match handshakes/fist bumps, Risers were off!

The girls were switched on right from the start and stormed the first half. Sophie started with some good runs down the wing, being determined to win her 1v1s against her opponent. The Risers’ defence also had a good solid start, dealing with anything that looked as if it might threaten their goal. 11 minutes in, Connie did a fantastic drop kick and when the bounce got the better of the Sittingbourne defence, Eva was ready to take advantage, with a lovely shot just past the keeper’s left hand into the corner of the goal.

1-0  to Risers!

Sittingbourne had chances though, and their no 5 had a few near misses. Risers were also lucky not to concede a penalty when one of the Sittingbourne forwards looked to be through on goal and clashed with Nancy. Was it to be our day? This squad never like to leave things to chance…

Halfway through the first half, and the first set of Riser substitutions saw Ella, Lydia and Sunee come on. Ella got straight into action down the left, continually dancing her way past her opponent who just couldn’t cope with her skilful footwork. Another lovely ball from Jeea and Ella’s shot was so powerful that even though the keeper got a hand to it, she couldn’t stop it from going over the line.

2-0 to Risers!

Sittingbourne were starting to look a bit dazed and clearly weren’t expecting Risers to start strongly, having beaten us in a preseason friendly back in August. Risers were on a roll by this time though, and on 27 minutes Jeea (in yet another dominant display at left back) put a lovely ball up to Natalie, who looped a lovely shot over the Sittingbourne keeper.

3-0 to Risers

Three to the good, you might have thought Risers would sit back on their heels, but not this team! They kept pressing for another goal. Sophie was using her strength to good effect and drew a foul from her opponent. Ella went over to the right to take the free kick, with a good shot but the keeper caught it well.

On the right, Grace, Nancy and Lia put in some lovely teamwork to clear the ball under pressure. Emily, Lydia, Jeea, Lia and Nancy were all commanding in their defensive positions, showing good decision-making under pressure, always timing their tackles to perfection. Emily was dealing with everything that came her way, putting in an early claim for the coaches’ player of the match (which she did indeed get).

In midfield at various times, Sophie, Grace, Eva, Madison, Eloise, Sunee and Ella were all working hard to create chances and stop Sittingbourne getting into their stride.

After a short break on the bench, Eva was back on to menace the Sittingbourne defenders. Ella, near the halfway line put in a ball to Sunee near the box, who was working hard to bring it under control and managed to put it into Eva’s path. She was never going to miss, scoring her second with a lovely strike putting the ball in the top corner.

4-0 to Risers

In the remaining minutes before half time, Risers had a couple more chances on goal. Eloise, from left back (again showing how versatile our players are), won the ball from her opponent and travelled with it to near the halfway line, putting a lovely pass to Lia, who crossed to Grace, who connected with Eva, resulting in another lovely shot that went just over the bar. Sunee and Ella were also linking up well in midfield. Natalie, Sunee and Madison were strong in midfield, closing down any danger early on and preventing Sittingbourne’s midfield from getting into their stride.

At the half time whistle, Sittingbourne were looking on the ropes…


Risers took the opportunity to play some players in different positions given the comfortable lead. Nancy had a spell in midfield, and Grace moved to right back. But desperate to get some kind of a foothold in the game, to their credit, Sittingbourne started the second half with some good moves and attempts at the Riser goal.

Sunee and Lia were working strong in the middle and Sophie continued her fantastic work down the right. Nancy looked comfortable in midfield. Sunee was continually breaking up Sittingbourne passes. And Madison (putting our training into practice!) was controlling the ball well in the air. Ella continued with her relentless runs down the left wing, and on 49 mins had a lovely shot that went just over the bar. A few minutes later, Sunee put the ball in the back of the net but the ref had just blown for a foul by Natalie, so it didn’t count.

On another run down the left, brushing off a shirt tug, Ella put in a lovely cross to Eva, who was just about to connect with the ball but the keeper made a brave save.

Jeea made an important interception on 60 minutes to prevent another Sittingbourne shot on goal. But Sittingbourne kept up the pressure, and just a couple of minutes later, one of their attackers found space and tried a long shot that dipped just as it neared the crossbar. Connie had no chance.

4-1 to Risers!

The goal inevitably gave Sittingbourne a lift and they nearly got a second when Connie couldn’t quite get hold of the ball in a 1-1 with a Sittingbourne attacker, but thankfully Lia was on hand to clear it and avoid the team conceding a second in quick succession.

Risers knew they had to regain the upper hand, and Grace (now playing right mid) was determined to threaten the Sittingbourne goal. She had a couple of chances in quick succession, one went just wide of the goal, the keeper caught the other. But on yet another foray down the right, on 70 mins, she put in a lovely cross to near the penalty spot, which Madison took a touch to control then struck for a lovely goal.  

5-1 to Risers!

Unfortunately and somewhat surprisingly, Risers ended up with two yellow cards as the game became very ill-tempered, and some of the squad couldn’t resist answering back after being subjected to foul language for much of the game. There were also some very physical and reckless tackles, including a double-footed lunge at Jeea (which didn’t lead to a yellow card but should have), who by some miracle wasn’t seriously injured as a result. 

As the clock was (thankfully) winding down, Sittingbourne won a corner kick. The ball was delivered in and a red shirt connected with it, the ball somehow dribbling across and hitting the inside of the post beyond Connie’s left hand for a second goal for the visitors.

5-2 to Risers!

Another strong all-round performance from Risers – the coaches’ player of the match could go to any one of the squad. For a third successive week, this attacking team scored 5 lovely goals. The defenders and midfield are playing confidently and solidly, Connie is ever capable in goal, and the team are really working hard for each other and enjoying their football.

But the game was marred by some foul and abusive language from Sittingbourne, which the referee didn’t deal with. It was a reminder that our team need to keep their discipline, whatever the behaviour they encounter from opponents.

Opponents’ player of the match: Connie

Coaches’ player of the match: Emily

Starting line-up: Connie, Nancy, Lia, Emily, Jeea, Eloise, Grace, Madison, Sophie, Eva, Natalie

Subs: Ella, Lydia, Sunee

Thanks to Pippa and Harjit for running the line!

Rising Stars U16GY v Anchorians Angels Tigresses

KGLFL Div 2 Sun 24 Sept 2023

Risers continued their winning streak with another strong performance against a physical Anchorians side, with a second hat-trick in as many games.

On a sunny late September afternoon, Risers travelled up the M2 to Gillingham for a 3.30pm kick-off on a windy 3G pitch. With a 15-strong squad (what a difference from last season?!), the team were ready to get going against top-of-the-league Anchorians.

Risers had a good start, Ella getting an early shot on goal to test the keeper. Anchorians were putting in strong tackles early on but 4 minutes in, Risers won a free kick. Eloise delivered a beautiful ball into the box, which Eva controlled skilfully and stroked past the keeper’s hand into the far right of the goal.

1-0 to Risers!

The early goal gave Risers confidence and there were plenty of attacks. Natalie had a shot that went just wide, and the defenders had to block shots from Sunee and Eva. Eloise put in a fantastic run down the left after Sophie had won the ball from the Anchorians midfielder. And shortly after, Grace, received the ball from Eloise then went on a run down the right and put in a lovely cross, aiming for Sophie but she couldn’t quite reach it.

Risers’ starting back four (Nancy, Lia, Eloise and Jeea) again looked solid, Jeea and Ella carrying on from last week with their effective link-up play down the left.

Connie was strong again in goal, and needed to make an important save to prevent Anchorians equalising. She got to a shot that looked like it might just go over her, and took the power out of it, falling on it as it bounced in front of her. She wasn’t troubled too much for the rest of the first half.

Around 5 minutes before half time, Nancy used her strength to meet a ball from the air and deliver it to Eva, who controlled it well and took it past the defender (who tried a late tackle but didn’t connect). Eva only had one place she was putting that ball, and she buried it in the back of the net, keeper had no chance.

2-0 to Risers!

Half time

Desperate to stay in the game, Anchorians started the brighter after the break, putting pressure on the Risers defence. Lydia and Syd had to make vital clearances and be strong in their 1-on-1 battles. But Anchorians had their tails up, and 5 minutes after the restart scored a lovely goal from distance with a looped shot that was too close to the crossbar for Connie to reach.

2-1 to Risers!

Riser then had a bit of a nervy spell, but Emily stayed calm, working hard alongside Syd and Lydia to track back, putting the opponents under enough pressure so that they didn’t threaten Connie’s goal again.

Then a Riser attack saw Ella set up Eloise for a superb shot from distance that thundered into the top of the goal. All that practice at last week’s training session had clearly paid off!

3-1 to Risers!

Nancy was following on from a strong performance last week, always controlling the ball well in the air, and gaining confidence as she kept running with the ball looking to create an attack.

Madison linked up well with Nancy in defence. Lia and Madison were both solid in the midfield, needing to put in some strong tackles and help Risers keep possession, as Anchorians were again starting to feel there was something in the game for them. Sophie was also making a nuisance of herself, taking on the defenders with her determined runs. She had a good shot on goal from a corner but the keeper made a good save in response.

The Anchorians defence were struggling to keep the Risers at bay and conceded another free kick just outside the box on the right that Natalie stood up to take. But the bobbly ball resulted in a bit of a slice! But the ever-competitive Natalie soon made amends… Just a few minutes later, the Anchorians keeper parried a shot from Eloise who followed up and passed it back to Natalie. She was never going to miss from that angle, and she buried it!

4-1 to Risers!

Anchorians’ heads went down for a few minutes but they kept pressing and had a few chances. Sunee doing a cracking job in midfield and getting back to help in defence when needed, making a vital interception that could otherwise have ended with the ball in the back of the Risers net.

With just a few minutes left on the clock, Risers were really in their stride, and Eva coolly got her hat-trick with a third goal that was a lovely strike with her left.

5-1 to Risers!

With the game almost over, Lydia blocked a shot that left her winded for a few moments, so Madison came on, showing her versatility, to cover for Lydia in defence. But then the final whistle came.

Another strong all-round performance, 5 lovely goals, lots of solid defending and good play to distribute the ball from defence and midfield. The team are really working hard for each other and enjoying their football. Chris did really well with the substitutions. The versatility across the squad is proving to be a real strength.

Bring on Sittingbourne at home next week!

Opponents’ player of the match: Jeea

Coaches’ player of the match: Syd

Hat-trick award/medal: Eva

Starting line-up: Connie, Nancy, Lia, Eloise, Jeea, Grace, Madison, Eva, Ella, Natalie, Sunee

Subs: Emily, Lydia, Sophie, Syd

Thanks to Mich and Natalie for stepping up and running the line, with on-the-job training from Paul!

Rising Stars U16GY v Tonbridge Panthers U16s

KGLFL, Sun 17 Sept 2023

Risers take all three points with a clean sheet in their first home game of the season in a confident performance against visitors Tonbridge Panthers

Risers U16 girls played their first home game of the season at Canterbury Academy on a bobbly pitch but at least the temperature had dropped from last Sunday’s 31 degrees! The squad of 14 included new signings Eva and Lydia, with Grace back from injury.

After a nervous first couple of minutes, the excellent link-up play between Jeea and Ella that was to become a feature of the game resulted in a chance for Ella, who cut the ball back from her left to her right, completely wrong-footing the defender. Just 4 minutes in, Ella finished with a powerful shot, and although the keeper got a hand to it she couldn’t keep it out. 1-0 to Risers!

Eloise started solidly at the back. Together with Nancy, Lia and Jeea, the back four made some strong clearances and intercepted numerous passes to nullify any Tonbridge attacks. Eloise linked up with Ella who played a cheeky back heel to Jeea out on the left, but Tonbridge intercepted. Emily and Ella were linking up well on the left too. Madison had a shot on goal that brought a great save from the Tonbridge keeper. But Risers kept up the pressure with good attacking play. The ball found Ella again and 16 minutes in, she used some lovely footwork and then a cracking shot to score her second of the day. 2-0 to Risers!

Tonbridge renewed their efforts to pressure the Risers goal, and one attack needed an amazing block save from Connie on 19 minutes to keep her clean sheet. Connie’s decision- making about when to come off her line was excellent – one of the many qualities that make her such a capable keeper. She made some incredible saves in quick succession, on 25 mins and 28 mins, to protect the Risers’ two-goal lead. Coach Paul was really pleased that the work he and Connie are doing during training sessions is really paying off.

The Risers defence and midfield kept working hard to cut out any Tonbridge attacks and protect Connie’s goal. Lia’s timing of the challenge and tracking back was proving frustrating for the Tonbridge forwards, and Natalie was using her strength to put pressure on whenever the ball was coming out from the Tonbridge keeper to her back line. The Risers back four, now including Lydia who was subbed on (Eloise moving up to midfield), kept out any danger, all tracking their player and timing their challenges to perfection.

Soaking up the Tonbridge pressure, Jeea held the ball up then skilfully turned her player, distributing the ball to Ella in midfield, who put a lovely cross-field pass to Eloise on the right. Tonbridge won possession again though, and it needed a strong clearance from Lia to cut out the danger again. Nancy and Eloise combined well to win possession out on the right, and Eloise put in a lovely pass to captain Natalie, whose swerve of a strike from outside the box threw everyone, including the Tonbridge keeper, as the ball trickled past her right hand into the far corner of the goal! 3-0 to Risers!

New signings Lydia and Eva settled into the squad quickly. Shortly after coming on, Eva went on a run going past 3 defenders but the fourth made sure she wasn’t going to get a shot off. Eva also linked up well with Ella on the left and had her first strike on goal, which the keeper just managed to get to with her left hand to put it out for a corner.

Tonbridge kept on pressing the Risers’ half though, and Emily had to be strong in defence, intercepting the ball and using her football nous to put it out for a throw to avoid conceding a

corner. Lia also kept up her strong defensive work, though she had to come off shortly before the end of the first half with a nasty stud mark on her thigh for her efforts. The game was quite physical in parts, and Eloise was lucky not to get a yellow card for a robust challenge that ended up with a Tonbridge player having to come off with a nasty graze on her hip.

Half time, and Risers came off looking comfortable at 3-0.

Tonbridge started the second half strongly though, trying to get at least one back to get a foothold in the game. Two minutes in they had a corner that Madison dealt with to clear into midfield. Connie also had a nervous moment after running almost to the touchline near the corner flag to put the ball out, only for Tonbridge to take a quick throw and shot, which thankfully just went wide of the goal. Risers soon picked up their attacks again, and Eloise did some good work finishing with a lovely shot that was just over the top right-hand corner of the goal. Risers again won possession of the ball in the middle of the pitch, and 8 minutes into the second half, Eva squeezed between two Tonbridge defenders to put a lovely shot past the keeper, a goal on her debut! 4-0 to Risers!

Risers were passing the ball a lot better than they had in last week’s game, which helped retain possession to set up the numerous attacks. Lydia, Eloise and Grace did some good interplay but a Tonbridge defender put it out for a corner. Sunee, Emily and Ella were also combining well. Lydia’s timing of her movement to meet the ball when in the air was impressive, and Sophie was also putting what we did in training into practice, with some lovely control to pass the ball back to Madison.

Tonbridge kept up the pressure though, with their number 21 getting more and more of the ball. Connie did brilliantly in a 1 on 1 situation, blocking with her knees and body, with Nancy pouncing on the ball to clear it, getting to it before the Tonbridge attacker could do any damage.

The Riser coaches were pleased that the players were putting the focus of last week’s training session into action during the game. Sunee was adept at anticipating the flight of the ball and controlling it from the air, while Nancy was using her head, chest, abdomen and thigh, always keeping the ball under control from the air and making sure the onward pass reached one of our players.

The Riser attacks continued, Eloise putting in some good crosses down the right and Madison with a strong shot that needed a good save from the keeper, who again put it out for a corner. But Tonbridge never gave up, and continued to threaten the Risers’ goal, bringing even more good stops and catches from Connie.

At the other end of the pitch, Ella had a fantastic shot on 33 minutes but it hit the post. Sophie kept up the pressure on her opponent, forcing numerous mistakes. Five minutes before the close, Natalie sprinted to get on the end of a long ball over the top and got past 2 defenders but the shot went just wide. Risers sensed there was another goal in this, so the attacks continued. Grace put a lovely through-ball to Natalie but the Tonbridge defender was on it. Just three minutes before the final whistle, Grace had a super shot from the right (that broken toe clearly not bothering her anymore!) that hit the bar. Thankfully Ella was quickest to react, using her agility to dink the ball over the defender and then thunder it into the back of the net. 5-0 to Risers! The ref blew the final whistle shortly after.

A strong all-round performance, 5 lovely goals (and there could have been more) and a clean sheet. The team are gelling well after a lot of changes at the end of last season and losing a couple of players to injury early on this season.

Opponents’ player of the match: Connie Coaches’ player of the match: Connie Hat-trick award/medal: Ella

Thanks to Pippa for running the line, and Nat’s uncle for ground repair so that the corner flags would stay up!

Match Report: U8 (Blue) v Deal Town Rangers

Saturday mornings can’t come round quick enough for the ever improving U8 Blue team. Today felt like a proper “away day” with a trip to Deal Town Rangers.

Playing 6v6 the Risers started steadily with Ozzie and Samuel who usually play more forward given the challenge of being defenders and keeping guard of Goalkeeper Max. Between the 3 of them they were like a brick wall which stopping all that was heading their direction.

Freddie,Arthur and Noah all started spritely attacking the Rangers defence at every opportunity.

Towards the later stages of the first half, Rafeberto Carlos struck a free kick, low into the corner of the goal.

2nd half and the Risers carried on getting Stronger as the game went on. Further goals from Rafe, a header from a lovely corner, floated in by Max G. Max himself then pounced on a rebound to slot home after a shot from Ozzie crashed off the crossbar. Then Ozzie kept his next shot below the bar for a well deserved goal.

Players of the Match Freddie and Arthur. Both impressive attacking and defending. Roll on next Saturday.


Match Report: U13 Girls (Blue) v TFD Youth

On a stunning cold February day with clear skies and a warm winter sun our brave risers kicked off against the TFD Youth side for the first time this season.

Risers made a bright start with some lovely pass and move play straight from kick off. Both teams were closing down the space and pressing the ball well and for the first 10 minutes it was a tight affair over the somewhat hilly pitch that was playfully nicknamed the Pennines. 

Amelia was making real progress down the right wing and linking up well with Sunee, playing some lovely balls into her feet. With great midfield pressure from Lia and Izzy the ball eventually bobbled through to Sunee who poked home the first goal at close range. 1-0 Risers, a well deserved lead but still very much a game that could go either way. 

TFD had their moments too, with some fast, nippy midfielders crafting some nice opportunities that fortunately for our Yellow Shirts didn’t trouble the ever present Ruby in between the sticks. They don't call her 'safe hands' for nothing! 

Towards the end of the second half Risers won a corner after some good work from Erina in midfield. Lia stepped up, hit a powerful cross into the box that curled straight through the legs of the Keeper and into the back of the net! Superb goal! 2-0 risers and finally a slight cushion before half time.

In the second half Ruby and Sunee switched positions and we were treated to another great half of entertaining football. Heads were up, passes were made and our very own Brazilian Wonderkid, 'Captain Larri' showed off some silky skills in defence with several drag backs and tricks as she inspired Risers to play out from the back. 

TFD threw everything at us but were rarely able to get past the immovable defensive rocks of Kai and Nell. On the one occasion they did break through Sunee made a great save down to her left. 

The final whistle blew and Risers ran out 2-0 winners but the best bit was not the 3 points, or even the two well taken goals or the clean sheet - it was the way that risers had played....

As a team, not a series of individuals. It was the closest thing to 'Total Football' that I've seen all season.

Well done Risers!